Teenage Hackers Are Making Tons Of Money From Stolen Fortnite Accounts
Fortnite , the popular Battle Royale Game developed by Epic Games, is suffering from a serious issue of stolen accounts. The ‘ Fortnite Cracking ‘ problem is growing by the day with many users reporting that they are not able to login into their Fortnite account with the credentials. Teenage hackers are behind the stolen accounts and are making thousands of pounds by selling them. In an interview with the BBC, a Slovenian teenager said that he had made £16,000 which translates to around $20,000 by selling the stolen Fortnite accounts in the last seven months. These hackers use a technique dubbed ‘ Credential Stuffing ‘ that involves searching the lists of exposed username/emails and passwords from other already hacked servers. The information about hacked online services is easily available online. Next, they use a hit and trial method where they use the obtained credentials to log in to Fortnite’s website. If the hacker is ...